Wednesday, October 22, 2008

first pair of climbing shoes

We are very proud to announce that after months and months of searching, shoes that were too loose, and even a few that were too tight...we found the perfect climbing shoes for Jess, and thanks to the generosity of several friends willing to break the mold and use our R.E.I wedding registry, we were able to order them Monday night. Upon our arrival home from Randy's grand opening Costco party tonight, we came across a beautiful little brown box which, to our delight, contained Jess's very first ever pair of climbing shoes. The 5.10 Gambit. (HA HA kind of like the X-Men hero that Jessica secretly had a crush on when she was little and her brothers made her watch X-Men but secretly her little nine year old self couldn't wait to watch the animated character which shot playing cards at the enemy). They're a fabulous green color with a touch of glittering bling! They even look a bit like skater shoes which adds yet another brownie point on the shoes' behalf.


  1. I am so glad to see that you wentwith 5.10s. It just does my heart good.

  2. just got a pair of the same shoes...hope they work for you

  3. does any one know who deef is?
