Monday, September 14, 2009

State Fair

This week, Junae and Jared and Zoe and I went to the Eastern Idaho State Fair. Jared made sure that Junae and I tried the infamous Idahoan "Elephant Ears" and we enjoyed delicious candied and carmel apples. We also went to the petting zoo, saw dogs that jump in the air and catch frisbees, and saw some amazingly large vegetgables, courtesy of the FFA {Future Farmers of America}!

Junae and Zoe at the petting zoo

Jared and his dream puppy {someday love...I promise}

petting a baby goat

amazing flying dogs

the largest pumpkin we've ever seen!


  1. mmm.....i love elephant ears!! i thought they were tiger ears though.

  2. the were originaly elephant ears
