Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zoe's arrival

Here are the long awaited pictures of Zoe Adriana Tolman's arrival and the full version of the story. So it all started on Saturday night during the adult session of Stake Conference. I had started feeling more intense Braxton Hicks contractions that night so Jared and I walked the halls of our Stake Center so we could still hear the member of the Seventy that had come to speak. We didn't really think much of it because there were still like ten minutes apart and they would kind of come and go because I was able to sleep through most of the night without any pain. Well, the next morning was the general session of our Stake Conference. We left the house early at about 9:30 in order to get a soft seat but by the time we got there, the only seats available were in the very front row. So we sat down and and the meeting started. About halfway through the meeting, I was starting to have contractions again, but they were still rather mild, so I got up and walked the halls again and sat out in the foyer for a few minutes. Well, the President of the Idaho Pocatello Mission was one of the speakers and he got up and started talking about the fact that the greatest missionary we will ever do will be within our own homes. Then he mentioned that as he looked out over the congregation, he noticed a "young couple sitting up here on the front row" (Jared and I) and that the young lady(me) was pregnant and had gotten up and left. "She may be delivering right now in fact!" he said. Then he asked Jared when I was due and Jared told him that we still had three weeks to go. He talked about how seeing young families like that gave him hope and excitement for the future and that how thrilled he was that our baby would grow up in a gospel centered home, and would attend primary, and would be baptized, and would constantly have the gospel in her life. To avoid embarassment. I waited till he was done speaking and then came back in for the remainder of the meeting. After the closing prayer, nearly everyone on the stand came to congratulate us and ask us questions. Our baby was a Stake celebrity before she was even born. We went home, made dinner, and started watching a movie, but the contractions were becoming more intense. I have always been told that contractions would be the worst pains that I would ever feel so I thought I was just being a whoos and that I was maybe at a 2 or a 3 on the intensity scale. But by the end of the movie (The Audrey Hepburn Story), I was getting a little nervous. They were now much more intense and were about six minutes apart and this time they weren't going away. I told Jared we should do a little straightening up, just in case, which took us about half an hour. I finally called Labor and Delivery at about five o'clock and they "well, you might be in labor, you might not, but you might wanna come on in." So after throwing the last minute items in the suitcase and getting a blessing from Jared and our great neighbor Nash Johnson, we headed to the hospital. At this point, there was no way these weren't REAL contractions! I changed into the gown, they took my blood pressure, and then the ONLY nurse(or person for that matter) in L&D that night, checked to see how far I had progressed. We were expecting a 2 or a 3 and thought we would be told to go home. But she looked up at us and said..."You're at a 6 missy. I need to go make some phone calls." So by 7:15 they had started the epidural, and by about 8:30 the on-call doctor had arrived and had broken my water. There was no going back now! :D By 9:30, the doctor and nurses filed in and within minutes, everyone was ready to get to the pushing. A very tiring thirty minutes later, Zoe Adriana Tolman was born and we couldn't believe it! Certainly not the way we had been expecting to end our day, but SO much better! She was absolutely perfect, and we loved holding her and kissing her and we never wanted to let her out of our site. We were able to leave the hospital the very next night, and it may have been sooner but nearly passed out several times getting up to go to the bathroom. Thank goodness for Jared who was always there to catch me! The doctor, nurses, friends, and family were all wonderful. My mom and dad were there as well as my little sister Junae, and Jared's mom came as well. And of course we can't forget Tim and Audrey who brought Jared a much needed pizza dinner. Thanks to everyone who made Zoe's "birthing day" so special!!!

waiting to find out if we're staying the night or not

Audrey and Tim...we couldn't have done it without them (they brought dinner and much needed moral support!!! Thanks guys!)

Jared...just before they started the epidural. I think he may have been a little nervous.

just after pushing

Zoe Adriana Tolman. She was born with a "heart of gold."

finally some mom and dad time

our beautiful baby

our little family

the cutest dad ever

wrapped around her finger

the new mom

Gramma Patti (Nonna) and Aunt Junae

Gramma Karla, Jess, Gramma Patti, and Baby Zoe

Zoe, Mom, and Gramma (three generations)

Grampa Dave

Zoe's first kiss

her Christmas bow (The nurse asked us what our favorite colors were. Mine is red and Jared's is green so she made this beautiful "Christmas" bow for the two of us.") And she has strawberry blonde hair!!! Yay!!!

our "bundle" of joy

the car ride home

Monday, August 24, 2009

Zoe Adriana Tolman

We are pleased to announce that baby Zoe Adriana Tolman arrived Sunday, August 23, 2009 at 10:06 PM. She weighs 5 pounds and 12 ounces and measured in at 20 inches long. We arrived at the hospital at 6:30 and was already dilated to 6 cm. By 9:30 she was ready to make her debut and after about a half an hour, we welcomed our new baby girl into the world! She is absolutely perfect, healthy, nursing like a champ and hardly ever cries. We're the luckiest parents in the world! We love you Zoe!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Zoe's room

Sorry these pictures are so late in coming but we finally have a computer again thanks to our great neighbor Jake. Here are just a few pictures of Zoe's new room with a great new rocker-recliner thanks to Dad and Martha; curtains, bedding, and paint, thanks to Mom, Pauline, Kate, and Carlee, and crib assembly and beautiful woodwork thanks to my wonderful husband Jared!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

baby showers

Jess and Sarah (and future buddies Zoe and Finn)

This last weekend we were able to travel to Salt Lake City for a baby shower thrown by my dear friend Sarah Wills and then to Manti for a beautiful thrown by my mom! Both showers were beautiful and I just wanted to thank Sarah, my mom, Pauline Clayson and company, and Martha and Natalie for all they did for us this weekend. And a giant thank you to everyone who joined us for the showers whether in person or in spirit. Thanks for the gifts everyone! Zoe will LOVE them!!!

happy birthday Jess

Jordan came to visit us for my birthday on the way up to Canada. We went shopping, ate a killer burger at Senang's, and had birthday cake (which Jordan so beautifully frosted!) Thanks buddy! And for my birthday, Jared got me a much needed bath pillow, a beautiful new set of black leather scriptures with my new name on them, and a book called "Mothers of the Prophets!" And it's incredible! And thanks to everyone else who called, and sent cards, and texted! Love you all!

family fun

A few weekends ago Jess's dad, stepmom, and sister came to visit us. We had a great time playing hand and foot, seeing the sights, experiencing the Titanic Exhibit at the Museum of Idaho, and hangin' out. Thanks for coming guys! We had SO much fun!